Wednesday 10 April 2013

10 tips to stay mentally healthy

10 tips to stay mentally healthy

Enjoying mental health means having a sense of wellbeing, being able to function during everyday life and feeling confident to rise to a challenge when the opportunity arises. Just like your physical health, there are actions you can take to increase your mental health. Boost your wellbeing and stay mentally healthy by following a few simple steps.
  1. Connect with others. Develop and maintain strong relationships with people around you who will support and enrich your life. The quality of our personal relationships has a great effect on our wellbeing. Putting time and effort into building strong relationships can bring great rewards.
  2. Take time to enjoy. Set aside time for activities, hobbies and projects you enjoy. Let yourself be spontaneous and creative when the urge takes you. Do a crossword; take a walk in your local park; read a book; sew a quilt; draw pictures with your kids; play with your pets – whatever takes your fancy.
  3. Participate and share interests. Join a club or group of people who share your interests. Being part of a group of people with a common interest provides a sense of belonging and is good for your mental health. Join a sports club; a band; an evening walking group; a dance class; a theatre or choir group; a book or car club.
  4. Contribute to your community. Volunteer your time for a cause or issue that you care about. Help out a neighbour, work in a community garden or do something nice for a friend. There are many great ways to contribute that can help you feel good about yourself and your place in the world. An effort to improve the lives of others is sure to improve your life too.
  5. Take care of yourself. Be active and eat well – these help maintain a healthy body. Physical and mental health are closely linked; it’s easier to feel good about life if your body feels good. You don’t have to go to the gym to exercise – gardening, vacuuming, dancing and bushwalking all count. Combine physical activity with a balanced diet to nourish your body and mind and keep you feeling good, inside and out.
  6. Challenge yourself. Learn a new skill or take on a challenge to meet a goal. You could take on something different at work; commit to a fitness goal or learn to cook a new recipe. Learning improves your mental fitness, while striving to meet your own goals builds skills and confidence and gives you a sense of progress and achievement.
  7. Deal with stress. Be aware of what triggers your stress and how you react. You may be able to avoid some of the triggers and learn to prepare for or manage others. Stress is a part of life and affects people in different ways. It only becomes a problem when it makes you feel uncomfortable or distressed. A balanced lifestyle can help you manage stress better. If you have trouble winding down, you may find that relaxation breathing, yoga or meditation can help.
  8. Rest and refresh. Get plenty of sleep. Go to bed at a regular time each day and practice good habits to get better sleepSleep restores both your mind and body. However, feelings of fatigue can still set in if you feel constantly rushed and overwhelmed when you are awake. Allow yourself some unfocussed time each day to refresh; for example, let your mind wander, daydream orsimply watch the clouds go by for a while. It’s OK to add ‘do nothing’ to your to-do list!
  9. Notice the here and now. Take a moment to notice each of your senses each day. Simply ‘be’ in the moment – feel the sun and wind on your face and notice the air you are breathing. It’s easy to be caught up thinking about the past or planning for the future instead of experiencing the present. Practising mindfulness, by focusing your attention on being in the moment, is a good way to do this. Making a conscious effort to be aware of your inner and outer world is important for your mental health.
  10. Ask for help. This can be as simple as asking a friend to babysit while you have some time out or speaking to your doctor (GP) about where to find a counsellor or community mental health service. The perfect, worry-free life does not exist. Everyone’s life journey has bumpy bits and the people around you can help. If you don’t get the help you need first off, keep asking until you do.
  11. What Is Life?

Thursday 14 March 2013

Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

In general, anxiety disorders are treated with medication, specific types of psychotherapy, or both.14 Treatment choices depend on the problem and the person’s preference. Before treatment begins, a doctor must conduct a careful diagnostic evaluation to determine whether a person’s symptoms are caused by an anxiety disorder or a physical problem. If an anxiety disorder is diagnosed, the type of disorder or the combination of disorders that are present must be identified, as well as any coexisting conditions, such as depression or substance abuse. Sometimes alcoholism, depression, or other coexisting conditions have such a strong effect on the individual that treating the anxiety disorder must wait until the coexisting conditions are brought under control.
People with anxiety disorders who have already received treatment should tell their current doctor about that treatment in detail. If they received medication, they should tell their doctor what medication was used, what the dosage was at the beginning of treatment, whether the dosage was increased or decreased while they were under treatment, what side effects occurred, and whether the treatment helped them become less anxious. If they received psychotherapy, they should describe the type of therapy, how often they attended sessions, and whether the therapy was useful.
Often people believe that they have “failed” at treatment or that the treatment didn’t work for them when, in fact, it was not given for an adequate length of time or was administered incorrectly. Sometimes people must try several different treatments or combinations of treatment before they find the one that works for them.


Medication will not cure anxiety disorders, but it can keep them under control while the person receives psychotherapy. Medication must be prescribed by physicians, usually psychiatrists, who can either offer psychotherapy themselves or work as a team with psychologists, social workers, or counselors who provide psychotherapy. The principal medications used for anxiety disorders are antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, and beta-blockers to control some of the physical symptoms. With proper treatment, many people with anxiety disorders can lead normal, fulfilling lives.


Antidepressants were developed to treat depression but are also effective for anxiety disorders. Although these medications begin to alter brain chemistry after the very first dose, their full effect requires a series of changes to occur; it is usually about 4 to 6 weeks before symptoms start to fade. It is important to continue taking these medications long enough to let them work.


Some of the newest antidepressants are called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs. SSRIs alter the levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain, which, like other neurotransmitters, helps brain cells communicate with one another.
Fluoxetine (Prozac®), sertraline (Zoloft®), escitalopram (Lexapro®), paroxetine (Paxil®), and citalopram (Celexa®) are some of the SSRIs commonly prescribed for panic disorder, OCD, PTSD, and social phobia. SSRIs are also used to treat panic disorder when it occurs in combination with OCD, social phobia, or depression. Venlafaxine (Effexor®), a drug closely related to the SSRIs, is used to treat GAD. These medications are started at low doses and gradually increased until they have a beneficial effect.
SSRIs have fewer side effects than older antidepressants, but they sometimes produce slight nausea or jitters when people first start to take them. These symptoms fade with time. Some people also experience sexual dysfunction with SSRIs, which may be helped by adjusting the dosage or switching to another SSRI.


Tricyclics are older than SSRIs and work as well as SSRIs for anxiety disorders other than OCD. They are also started at low doses that are gradually increased. They sometimes cause dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, and weight gain, which can usually be corrected by changing the dosage or switching to another tricyclic medication.
Tricyclics include imipramine (Tofranil®), which is prescribed for panic disorder and GAD, and clomipramine (Anafranil®), which is the only tricyclic antidepressant useful for treating OCD.


Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are the oldest class of antidepressant medications. The MAOIs most commonly prescribed for anxiety disorders are phenelzine (Nardil®), followed by tranylcypromine (Parnate®), and isocarboxazid (Marplan®), which are useful in treating panic disorder and social phobia. People who take MAOIs cannot eat a variety of foods and beverages (including cheese and red wine) that contain tyramine or take certain medications, including some types of birth control pills, pain relievers (such as Advil®, Motrin®, or Tylenol®), cold and allergy medications, and herbal supplements; these substances can interact with MAOIs to cause dangerous increases in blood pressure. The development of a new MAOI skin patch may help lessen these risks. MAOIs can also react with SSRIs to produce a serious condition called “serotonin syndrome,” which can cause confusion, hallucinations, increased sweating, muscle stiffness, seizures, changes in blood pressure or heart rhythm, and other potentially life-threatening conditions.

Anti-Anxiety Drugs

High-potency benzodiazepines combat anxiety and have few side effects other than drowsiness. Because people can get used to them and may need higher and higher doses to get the same effect, benzodiazepines are generally prescribed for short periods of time, especially for people who have abused drugs or alcohol and who become dependent on medication easily. One exception to this rule is people with panic disorder, who can take benzodiazepines for up to a year without harm.
Clonazepam (Klonopin®) is used for social phobia and GAD, lorazepam (Ativan®) is helpful for panic disorder, and alprazolam (Xanax®) is useful for both panic disorder and GAD.
Some people experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop taking benzodiazepines abruptly instead of tapering off, and anxiety can return once the medication is stopped. These potential problems have led some physicians to shy away from using these drugs or to use them in inadequate doses.
Buspirone (Buspar®), an azapirone, is a newer anti-anxiety medication used to treat GAD. Possible side effects include dizziness, headaches, and nausea. Unlike benzodiazepines, buspirone must be taken consistently for at least 2 weeks to achieve an anti-anxiety effect.


Beta-blockers, such as propranolol (Inderal®), which is used to treat heart conditions, can prevent the physical symptoms that accompany certain anxiety disorders, particularly social phobia. When a feared situation can be predicted (such as giving a speech), a doctor may prescribe a beta-blocker to keep physical symptoms of anxiety under control.

Taking Medications

Before taking medication for an anxiety disorder:
  • Ask your doctor to tell you about the effects and side effects of the drug.
  • Tell your doctor about any alternative therapies or over-the-counter medications you are using.
  • Ask your doctor when and how the medication should be stopped. Some drugs can’t be stopped abruptly but must be tapered off slowly under a doctor’s supervision.
  • Work with your doctor to determine which medication is right for you and what dosage is best.
  • Be aware that some medications are effective only if they are taken regularly and that symptoms may recur if the medication is stopped.


Psychotherapy involves talking with a trained mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, or counselor, to discover what caused an anxiety disorder and how to deal with its symptoms.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is very useful in treating anxiety disorders. The cognitive part helps people change the thinking patterns that support their fears, and the behavioral part helps people change the way they react to anxiety-provoking situations.
For example, CBT can help people with panic disorder learn that their panic attacks are not really heart attacks and help people with social phobia learn how to overcome the belief that others are always watching and judging them. When people are ready to confront their fears, they are shown how to use exposure techniques to desensitize themselves to situations that trigger their anxieties.
People with OCD who fear dirt and germs are encouraged to get their hands dirty and wait increasing amounts of time before washing them. The therapist helps the person cope with the anxiety that waiting produces; after the exercise has been repeated a number of times, the anxiety diminishes. People with social phobia may be encouraged to spend time in feared social situations without giving in to the temptation to flee and to make small social blunders and observe how people respond to them. Since the response is usually far less harsh than the person fears, these anxieties are lessened. People with PTSD may be supported through recalling their traumatic event in a safe situation, which helps reduce the fear it produces. CBT therapists also teach deep breathing and other types of exercises to relieve anxiety and encourage relaxation.
Exposure-based behavioral therapy has been used for many years to treat specific phobias. The person gradually encounters the object or situation that is feared, perhaps at first only through pictures or tapes, then later face-to-face. Often the therapist will accompany the person to a feared situation to provide support and guidance.
CBT is undertaken when people decide they are ready for it and with their permission and cooperation. To be effective, the therapy must be directed at the person’s specific anxieties and must be tailored to his or her needs. There are no side effects other than the discomfort of temporarily increased anxiety.
CBT or behavioral therapy often lasts about 12 weeks. It may be conducted individually or with a group of people who have similar problems. Group therapy is particularly effective for social phobia. Often “homework” is assigned for participants to complete between sessions. There is some evidence that the benefits of CBT last longer than those of medication for people with panic disorder, and the same may be true for OCD, PTSD, and social phobia. If a disorder recurs at a later date, the same therapy can be used to treat it successfully a second time.
Medication can be combined with psychotherapy for specific anxiety disorders, and this is the best treatment approach for many people.

Friday 22 February 2013

Quitting Cigarette Smoking For A Better Quality Life

Quitting Cigarette Smoking For A Better Quality Life

The act of inhaling and exhaling the fumes of burning tobacco is smoking. The most common and popular way of smoking is cigarettes and cigars in which finely shredded tobacco is rolled in lightweight paper and the tobacco fumes are inhaled by burning that paper.  While people derive pleasure from smoking, it is considered a very harmful act and tobacco is hazardous to healthy.

Smoking an average cigarette contains about 4,000 chemicals; some of which are highly toxic and 43 of which can cause cancer. Nicotine is the major ingredient of tobacco and very poisonous and addictive which is the main reason why so many people get addicted to smoking. Even though the cigarette package and TV commercials selling them try to make people aware of its dangers by claiming ‘smoking is injurious to health’ but it is very additive and very hard to leave. 

However, all it needs is determination and will power as quitting smoking means that you are choosing a better quality of life that is free of diseases like cancers, lung and heart problems. Nicotine is very dangerous for health and continuous smoking eventually leads to health problems which makes it very important to stay away from this evil habit.

Here are some tips that can help to quit smoking for a better quality of life if you are determined and have the will power to do it:

Write down all the reasons for which you want to stop smoking as this is the best way to convince yourself. No one can convince you better than yourself and unless you want to stop it yourself, nothing else will work. Get rid of the lighter, matches and cigarettes so that when you quit smoking, there is nothing left to remind you of this addiction.

Keep a record of how much you smoke so that you have an idea of how much nicotine you are taking in each day. It will help to realize how dangerous it is for health and enable you to quit it sooner. 

Seek advice from doctor and talk in detail about how to quit smoking the best way without suffering from withdrawal symptoms. If you have been using cigarette to get rid of tension, you will have to find better ways of getting rid of stress such as walking or a hot bath or exercise. Try to bring some positive changes in daily routine that will help to resist the urge for smoking. 

There is also medication that helps in quitting smoking. There are pads and gums available that help to deal when you feel an urge to smoke. It is important to use these medicines regularly so that you are able to quit smoking for a better health and life.

Be prepared for a lapse as smoking is not something you can get rid of easily. Many people who try their best to quit this addition have gone back to it just because they cannot control it. Be prepared for a lapse keeping in mind what you will do to prevent such an occurrence.

It is very important to quit smoking for an improve quality of life as smoking has sent many people to early graves due to its severe consequences. It has also lead many people to suffer from various diseases like lung problems, heart trouble and cancers of mouth and lungs. You will not realize how much life has to offer andhow much money you are wasting unless you stop. Make the first step by taking the decision to quit smoking for a better quality life.

Must Read Beauty Tips

Must Read Beauty Tips 

Health Care Tips
Health Tips
There are hundreds and thousands of beauty tips if we go on collecting them and following them. Each one of them will be important for you one way or another and help to take care of your body and health the best way. However, it is important to remember that you can only look beautiful if you are healthy as good health is the first step to beauty.

When you are healthy and fit, you can do anything and everything and whatever you wear or do will also look good. Thus, it is important to keep yourself healthy and fit so that whatever you wear, you carry it well and whatever you do, it suits you!

Here are a few must read beauty tips that will help to look after yourself the best possible way and ensure that you always look good:

Always remove your make before going to bed.  It is very necessary to remove the stubborn eye make with a cotton pad and some oil based makeup remover so that all traces of makeup are gone.
Always use a cleanser for removing make before rinsing the face with water as the cleanser will clean the skin from all impurities and chemicals.
Washing your face is very necessary at least twice a day if not more to remove the dirt and impurities from the skin that lead to wrinkles, acne and other problems.
If you have acne on your skin, it is important to drink lots of water and wash face with good quality soap or face to get rid of germs and bacteria that lead to acne.
Moisturize and apply lip balm within 2 to 3 minutes of showering to keep your skin soft and healthy.
Make sure to apply makeup in a good light so that you can see your skin clearly and also check out how you look with the stuff you are using.
If you don’t like putting on lots of makeup, dusting the cheeks and eyelids with bronzing powder will give a fantastic natural glow to your face and you will look ready for anything.
If you like extra thick lashes, dust the lashes with translucent powder and then apply mascara, they will look very thick and strong.
File the nails with crystal or cardboard nail files as metal filers can be too harsh on nails and skin.
To dry the nail polish quickly, put your nails under cold water when they are partially dry.
If you have any stains on your nails, rub the nail beds with whitening toothpaste and the stains will go away.
When you are putting on eye makeup, do not cover the entire eye unless you are using light colors. Dark colors can make the eyes look small and very heavy as compared to light colors that make them look big and bright.
If your skin becomes oil during the day after putting on makeup, use a tissue paper to soak up the excess oil. If necessary you can also apply some pressed powder for a velvety soft finish which makes the skin look beautiful.

It is important to remember that all these beauty tips will only work if you feel good from inside. Makeup is just a way to improve your overall appearance and make you more attractive from the outside but it will not work if you are not feeling good from inside. Confidence along with good health will help you look great along with these must read beauty tips. 

Benefits Of Vitamin A For Eyes

Benefits Of Vitamin A For Eyes

Vitamin A is very beneficial for eyesight. Almost all of us were advised by our parents to eat our carrots because they were good for our eyes and we never paid attention considering it only a trick to make us clean our plate but it is only with time that we have realized how good carrots are. 
Modern research and studies show that there is a connection between carrots and better eye sight and we can have improved vision and lesser eye problems with help of vitamin A that is present in carrots. 
Vitamin A is not only found in carrots but in many other fruits and vegetables too. By eating these foods that are rich in Beta Carotene, it is possible to see things better in the dark and have a better vision.  As we age and the way we care for our eyes can bring changes to our visual abilities. With age, many people have to wear glasses as they are not so careful of their eyes and read in the dark, do not take a good diet and for various other reasons. Many people also lose vision as they age which is particularly due to lack of vitamin A in the body. 
Night blindness and dry eyes are two commonly diagnosed problems that leave us no other option but to go for contact lenses or a pair of glasses to maintain our vision. While some of us think that these conditions can never be improved, others are able to deal with them and overcome the problem when it’s in initial stages with help of supplements and medicines. However, it depends on the kind of problem you have and if you go to a doctor as early as possible to get it treated.  The real problem here is deficiency of vitamin A which leads to all these vision problems. 
Most of want to have a perfect vision and enjoy life without the hassle and inconvenience of wearing glasses or getting lenses which is no easy job considering that you have to ensure that you use lenses with clean hands. Thus, it is important to taken in good amount of vitamin A in your diet to ensure that you do not suffer from eyesight problems. If you cannot add all those extra fruits and vegetables to your diet, it’s time to go for some very good brand vitamin A supplement that can provide all the benefits of vitamin A to keep away all the vision problems.   
There are many ways to take in carrots that are a great source of vitamin A. You can add carrots to your salads, even munch on them as snacks when you feel hungry and take in carrot juice.  Along with carrots, there are other fruits and vegetables too that contain vitamin A so try to incorporate them in your daily routine for beautiful and healthy eyes.